James Hiebert Racing

Totem to Totem 10k

Date: July 16, 2016
Distance: 10.0 km
Time: 0:40:07
Pace: 0:04:00 minutes/km

My 3rd Totem 2 Totem race was a blast. Though I wasn't able to defend my reign as champion of the half marathon, I put in a decent effort in the 10k and scored 3rd male (4th overall... got beat by some Swiss high school student or something). The weather was great for running (cool and cloudy) and the course conditions, of course cannot be beat. The four of us in the front pack stuck pretty close together for most of the way out to the turn around. #1 was ahead of the remaining 3 of us by a few steps and maintained a stiff sub-4 minute pace. At the turnaround, I took a little too long to sip down my water and I dropped off a few steps and couldn't quite keep up the pace. Not maintaining my pace, it opened a bit of a gap between me and the two in front (pretty sure they ran even splits), enough so that I wasn't up for the challenge of reeling them in at the end. That was fair, though. They pulled me through half of the race and challenged me to perform better than I probably would have otherwise.