Date: | May 5, 2019 |
Distance: | 5.0 km |
Time: | 0:20:21 |
Pace: | 0:04:04 minutes/km |
Overall Place: | 4/62 |
Division (Men) Place: | 4/52 |
Gender Place: | 4/52 |
Map: | here |
Beautiful, cool, foggy weather for the 2019 edition of the PyCon 5k. With the shuttle there weren't as many people this year, but the shuttles got us to the starting line mostly on time and we were off to the races.
I was able to run pretty consisting at around 4 minute pace. There was a mini-hill at around the one mile mark that returned its investment on the way back down. It was pretty easy going, and I felt pretty good.